I am on a Mission to Worry Less

It may sound crazy, but hear me out.

If my journey has taught me anything, it's that there is always something to worry about. That feeling of worrying about something that is out of your control, going through every scenario that could go wrong, trying to prepare yourself for battle - essentially that is what we are doing with the fight or flight response that initiates with worry.

Then the weirdest thing happens - the thing you have been worrying about is ready to be handled and you handle that situation like it's your job. You generally get through it without many cuts, if you get any cuts at all. All you do is drain your energy leading up to the thing that is out of your control.

I am physically and mentally tired of letting things that are out of my control cause worry or anxiety. The whole 'not worrying' is not going to happen overnight and it will need to be a constant work in progress. Actively staying aware of where I am spending my energy is going to be essential.

As I learn new things (or maybe even have a funny story), I will share with my network in hopes that it can help someone else. The more people I talk to, the more I understand that we are all just figuring life out as we go and worry is only going to hold us back.

What has helped you when stress and worry pop up? Let's have a conversation and support each other. Remember, we are in this together!


staying adaptable = superpower


Lessons Learned one Year into my Business