Don't let your ego get in the way of you doing great things

I am currently in a place of deep introspection.

A ton of big questions.

"What do I want my life to look and feel like a year from now?"

"5 years from now?"

"What is my true purpose and deepest desires?"

"Am I doing enough?"

"What if I fail?"

As these words rip through me, I can feel them holding me back.

When it comes down to it, I still feel like a newbie entrepreneur.

Almost 11 months into this journey.

A lot of untapped potential.

I want to ask the big questions.

Keep moving forward on my path.

What I don't want to happen, is for my ego to get in the way.

That pesky little bugger that likes to chime in when you are doing hard things.

What happens when the ego gets in the way?

Comparing your journey to others.

Seeking validation of oneself.

Losing focus of your own progress.

Wishing you were further ahead.

Missing out on what is right in front of you.

Standing still instead of moving forward.

Everybody's mountains look different

You will only feel 'less than' when comparing your mountains to someone else's.


Because everybody has a different path.

Nobody is going to have the same journey as you.

Right now it might be rocky, but around the corner your path may become smooth.

I found myself recently looking to others for confirmation.

To confirm that I am on the right path.

All that did was make me feel like I am behind.

That I will never get to a point where so many find themselves.

From a distance, it seems easy.

Like overnight success.

What I don't see, is the hours / years of work that was put in.

To get them to a point where things may be a littler easier for them.

I started to take a closer look at my mountains.

My own progress.

First of all, it has only been 11 months since I set off on this journey!

Can I be a little nicer to myself?

Second of all, when I looked at what my mountains looked like a year ago.

3 months ago.

28 days ago.

I started to see it.

I'm making my own path.

I am doing something new.

I am finding my way.

What should you do when your ego starts getting in the way?

This is my current guiding light:

  • Pause

  • Take a few deep breaths

  • Refocus your energy on you

  • Remind yourself that things don't happen overnight

  • Take a break from thinking for a little

  • Do something that brings you joy

  • Get back to the grind

  • Repeat as necessary

In conclusion

You will feel a bit uncomfy when doing something new, important, life-changing.

There is no secret sauce to get comfy again.

Generally you have to plow straight through that feeling to get to the other side.

What I do know is, the more you conquer this, the easier it will get to face it.

Don't let your ego hold you back from doing great things.

You got this (this is for all of us).

Thanks for being here, friend.

Until next week.



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